This is no ordinary dream about an adventure on any ordinary island…

It’s an island dream with Jesse’s cat named Boo, his Uncle Tinman and his island friends. Dreams are nothing unusual, but Jesse never imagined a dream experienced through the eyes of a cat. Not just any cat, Jesse lives this dream adventure through the mind of Boo. Jesse quickly finds out that keeping Boo out of trouble is the least of his worries … in real life … and in his dreams!!

Professor Katnip sends Jesse, Boo and their friends on a quest, but someone or something is trying to stop them. On their journey across the island they battle bullkats, belly birds and big-toed buggers. Unknown to them, this adventure leads them deep into the lava monster’s abyss. Tyrtle Island’s ancient history and the Island’s future are at stake. Once they enter the lava monster’s mouth, there is no turning back.

Come along on this Tyrtely Awesome Adventure!!

Now Available in Paperback and ebook!

The Ancient Map passed down from the Meow Cat Elders

Track Boo and his friends every move as they venture across Tyrtle Island. See if you can spot where they brawl with belly birds, battle bullkats in Calico’s Cave, encounter big-toed buggers, and meet Ferrel the hermit cat!

Jesse Quinn’s Modern Day Tyrtle Island

Follow the map! Trace the tire tracks and footprints as Jesse, Boo and their island friends unravel the secrets of Tyrtle Island. As you read along see if you can find where they zoom across the rainforest on ziplines and discover Calico’s Lagoon!

Find out if Jesse or Boo and their friends make it!

Tyrtle Island is a paradise full of turquoise blue lagoons, lush green rainforests, enchanted waterfalls, and DEADLY BULLKATS! Once Jesse, Boo and their friends enter the lava monster’s mouth, there is no turning back.

Now Available in Paperback and ebook!